Secretly drugs in food or poor hygiene. The Ombudsman examined the constitutions

The only exception is when they are in a home-like environment where they can manage themselves. Instead, they share a room with these roommates, food and hygiene are carefully replenished for days and weeks, and kva or cigarettes are available on the floor.

Even then, life looks like yellow-ruled homes that care for drug addicts or people with mental illnesses like Alzheimer's or schizophrenia. Since 2019, the Ombudsman has been investigating these companies. He published a summary of their activities. It has specific recommendations not only for individual households but also for the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

The second problem is lack of manpower. Limited number of employees cannot provide personal bag to customers. During the days visiting institutions, clients are not adequately supported to develop skills that will enable them to be independent and lead independent lifestyles. According to the information available to editors, the clients were not sufficiently engaged in life in the communities where they lived.

The Social Services Act only states that the service provider must ensure appropriate conditions according to the type of service. According to Ombudsman representative Vta Alexander Sharmin, this violation of public rights will not happen. Staff shortages even threaten the safety of residents' homes. In fact, Riskov is staffed by only one or two female employees. Such a situation can be problematic when the customer needs more or an unusual event occurs. And I know there are dire consequences, Schorm warned.

He didn't like Lki, so they secretly put them in his food

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In addition to the computer problems, the staff of the ombudsman's office found several errors in the health sector. In addition, they prepared the drugs and then cheated different people, there may be a change, some customers received the drugs, they will not admit it.

From the record in the document, it is clear that the client always refused to give the medicine in pill form and that is why on April 13, 2020, he had pimples on his forehead and middle. In relation to the ombudsman dealing with the specific council on social services for veterans in the Zlín region, it is not clearly stated who decided such a procedure.

Where the Wood Ombudsman checked

Vysoina: Domov Wee Wee (Ability 91 Leg, Occupied 90)

Jin Morava: Emin Smek (Skill 60 Leg, Occupy 60)

Moravian-Silesian Area: Osa Rooms (capacity 49 beds, occupied 48)

Stack Area: House Teresne with Golden Rule (Skill 259 Leg, Occupy 252)

Zlnsk Region: Social Services Nvojn (capacity 70 patients, 70 occupancy)

Olomouc Region: Social Services Center Prostjov capacity 76 beds, occupied 75)

Drug concealment is a significant problem from an ethical perspective. A representative of Ombudsman Sharm pointed out that this leads to a violation of the autonomy of the individual and a violation of the good relationship between the client and the employees of the company.

According to him, a doctor can be cheated without the patient's consent only if the doctor decides that it is a matter of urgency.

In turn, the Prostjov Social Service Center does not offer regular preventive visits to clients. From interviews with staff members of the Public Security Office, it emerged that it was about the moment of teething and pain and other heavy sweating. Routine preventive visits at least once a year are not beneficial for clients. The same applies to preventive gynecological examinations. According to the individual from the beginning, preventive care is a necessary prerequisite for dealing with careless risks.

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Toilet and pepper-free toilets

The company also faced problems with the health of its customers. At one institution, the ombudsman noted instances where clients were in a state of apparent need to change incontinence aids for several hours. They cannot shower or bathe at least once a week.

There are also deficiencies in the equipment of bathrooms and toilets in the houses. There are no boards on the stairs and lots of toilet paper. During the inspection, the sinks in the bathroom were missing handles and sinks.

Bathrooms are often shared by ten or more people, but they are in remote buildings that you cannot enter. Signs inside indicated that the bathroom would be used by a client at some point. Some bathrooms were unventilated and were used as storage. However, even in used bathrooms, items that did not belong there, such as the dining cart, were also cleaned. It is necessary for the company to make storage bathrooms available to customers without the help of the customers, i.e. separately, first of all, without the help of the staff of the Office of the Ombudsman of the House of Terezin. Steg reigns in the region.

However, in the days of audited establishments, the staff of the Ombudsman's Office did not detect any obvious bad behavior of employees towards customers. They also met in good practice. At one company, for example, employees practiced orientation around the house with new walk-in clients. Thanks to this, customers gradually learned to freely walk outside the area and come to buy you. Elsewhere, clients are engaged in household chores in the quiet of their own rooms.

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The Ombudsman will first send a summary to the individual companies and through them to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Along with specific houses, wildlife management NVTV consulted. Zazen wrote that in response to the individual, initially they would solve problems or, for example, discuss with the user.

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