Zeman on peace in Ukraine: With this government, the Czech Republic will not contribute to it

Thursday’s first pre-election debate between incumbent US President Joe Biden and his predecessor and potential successor, Donald Trump, was described by many as a disaster for Biden. However, according to Milos Zeman, the programs were balanced: “I watched the debate, because of that I stayed until midnight, the broadcast started on Prima, I honestly watched until two in the morning. I think I will surprise you, but it was equal,” said Zeman, and MF Dines also noted Vodika’s foreign editor, according to whom the fight between Trump and Biden even though he listened to the radio recording of the debate.

And he added: “Here comes the Kennedy and Nixon situation over and over again. Kennedy tanned, Nixon sweaty. Kennedy shaved, Nixon bushy, and so on. But when I say I’m surprised, I mean I’ve read all kinds of opinions. The New York Times devoted a big article to it. , where it was written by Biden. Yes, from an aesthetic point of view it is terrible, after all, even Trump is not completely in his skin, but Biden, he is a complete failure, but only from an aesthetic point of view, that is, what they both said, in my humble opinion Also, it was almost balanced,” pointed out Milos Zeman.

On further developments in the US presidential election, he said: “Americans have these good words: Perception is always correct. Or, to translate it more loosely: People who love first impressions are always right. “The initial appearance of this debate was terrible, unfavorable to the Democrats, and if it continues like this, it means that there will be a second debate on September 10th, and then Trump will win,” says former President Zeman.

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If Trump is president again, will he have the power to stop the war in Ukraine? – “Trump’s relations with Putin are much friendlier than Biden’s relations with Putin. I think Trump will definitely try this kind of thing. In the aforementioned discussion, he mentioned that Putin started the war because America had a weak president at the head, by which he meant Biden,” Milos Zeman recalled on the show. X speech.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited Ukraine a few days ago. Media reported that he called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to do something about the ceasefire. This comes at a time when Hungary is taking over the EU presidency. Zeman sees this move as very positive: “Orban continues what he always says. He still calls not for peace, but at least for a cease-fire. Declaring a cease-fire means a cease-fire, and Russia must respond with a unilateral cease-fire. This is a step on the right track, in the right direction, And I hope it works,” Milos Zeman continued.

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He believes that within the EU there will be many states that will be Orbán’s partners on this issue – but we cannot expect change from Czech politicians, from whom we hear the exact opposite. “They doubt that the Czech Republic will be one of the peace-making elements. Here, the one-sided view of this conflict has already gotten under our skin, and such a 180-degree turn is highly unlikely,” noted the former president of the Czech Republic.

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At the same time, he welcomes the fact that a new patriotic wing of Babis, Orban and others should be created in the European Parliament. “It is very likely to happen. At least seven members are required for that section. There are already three. Of course if there are six, the seventh will always be found,” said Milos Zeman, adding that the Slovak SMER-SD might also join.

He later moved into domestic politics. The fall is said to be a coalition of the SPD movement and Jindřich Rajchl’s PRO party. “It is difficult to say what kind of alliance it is. “It is necessary to unite the smaller tents, otherwise a million votes will be lost,” Zeman appealed for concerted action, especially by the non-parliamentary opposition parties.

“But I will come to the basic point, which is the ‘ODS revival’. Here we have on one side a very extensive ODS, about 13 percent. On the other hand, we have the idea of ​​reviving the ODS – I don’t know whether Mr. Durek or Mr. Masinga said – the new Faces and with a new project, Klaus with the support of the founder’s father Václav,” noted the former president.

He noted whether he was disappointed that a proposal to honor him did not pass in the House of Representatives: “It always depends on who makes the proposal. I respect Radek Vondracek, who made it without consulting me. I think it’s an expression of respect for what I’ve done in politics. On the other hand, there are some notable zeros – some in the subcommittee that approves the proposals. “MPs – stroked their egos. They made themselves more important than they really are. I think I’ll be dead for 20 to 30 years, and I won’t be interested.” Milos Zeman concluded.

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