“Queen Bee.” Nerutova about a woman in the same field. But it didn’t go well for her

23.09.2023 15:15 | monitoring

Failed presidential candidate Danus Nerudova really gained momentum by criticizing Lenka Šanova, the organizer of the Czech Investment Conference. On the X social network, Nerutova received significant reviews. “I almost blinked, so resentful and jealous,” one user commented.


Hans Stumpera

Description: Candidate for President is Danus Nerudova

The organizer of the Czech Investment Conference, Lenka Šanova, organized a contest on the X social network for tickets to the Czech Investment Conference, which she is organizing on September 25 from 6 p.m. From the table of conference participants, it was clear that out of 15, there was only one woman and the rest were men. One of the discussants picked up on this and wrote: “Mom, look, there’s a woman! There is! 1 woman, 14 men, but there she is!”

Danuše Nerudová, a failed presidential candidate now seeking a seat in the European Parliament, responded. “She, the organizer, is the perfect queen bee. Look at all the things she does. Unfortunately,” he said. However, he received criticism for his words.

“A very bold statement from someone who based his entire candidacy for the presidency solely on the fact that he didn’t have impeachment. That’s why everything turned out the way it did. On the other hand, visibility came, and so did the nomination for news vendor in the EP, so everyone’s happy in the end, right?” the user asked Nerudova.

“As someone who seriously considered voting for you, I’m absolutely appalled. I know you won’t read it, but it’s embarrassing, inappropriate, over the line, but most of all incredibly hypocritical (from you). I almost blinked, so disgusted and jealous. Delete it. Apologize,” another user commented.

“Ms. Lenka Schánová has been creating a high-quality podcast about investing with experts for years, and for years she has been organizing events about investing and financial literacy, which women also attend. I don’t know how many events you’ve been to. I’ve never seen you at any of Lenka Schánová’s events. Didn’t see it,” said another.

“Try next time. ,I support every woman who is active and can organize such events. Fingers crossed, I’ll welcome a lot of girls acting for me.’ But maybe you’re out of character,” another user wrote.

Another user pondered the meaning of Nerudova’s post: “Isn’t it jealous that your post didn’t invite you? Lenka Schánová holds conferences based on audience demand, as a potential customer at a conference on investments, I’m not interested in gender, but in the quality of the speaker… I tell you directly that I determine gender at the university. …” he wrote.

“Your arrogance is unbelievable…one of the reasons you did so poorly in the election,” another user writes.

“Shamed the organizer and all the guests in one fell swoop, great performance, congrats! Thinking of who else to invite. Anna Pichova, she’s divine. I can’t think of anyone else,” another user added.

And Shanova commented on Dhanusa Nerutova’s comment. “If I had to announce a contest for the best idea, this is it. Mrs. Danushé likes me a lot. I expect at least some recognition from the former presidential candidate that as a woman I am doing something to improve financial literacy in the Czech Republic.


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