Klaus: We are ashamed of Fiala, I said in Slovakia. Cech warned against arrogance

Former President Václav Klaus condemned Prime Minister Petr Fiala's move to disrupt joint negotiations with the Slovak government. In a special broadcast for the Slovak presidential election, CNN Prima News said it was ashamed of Fiala and considered his decision childish and petty. Claus also cautioned the Czechs against disparaging Slovaks.

“It's very unfair and a little childish. If some inexperienced young man did it, I could forgive him. But what the professor of political science did is sad, and as a Czech I'm ashamed,” Klaus told CNN Prima News.

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According to him, after Fiala's step, many people started writing to him to go to Slovakia. “They wrote to me to apologize for them and to tell Robert Figo that we were ashamed. We spoke later in this spirit, although he did not expect an apology or an explanation from me,” recounted Klaus.

The former president and former head of ODS refused to comment saying that Robert Fico's coalition partners did not call Russia an aggressor. “We can't say anything about that. Let's not really worry about that. It still needs to get rid of our ego. This really pisses me off. I really respect that Slovakia lives in its own way,” said Klaus.

He also said that the current military conflict in Ukraine has divided the world into two. “One half says: 'Let's stop the killing, the destruction, then we act.'” The other half foolishly says, 'Let's fight, fight, kill, break everything, and then it will be all right.' The globe is thus divided into two concepts,” added Glass.

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