Changes from April: Pension payments will be delayed, many will pay extra for tickets

A new month brings many changes. For example, public transport fares are adjusted for residents of Central Bohemia and Pilsen regions, while employers must prepare for new obligations related to hiring Ukrainian refugees. In connection with the Easter holidays, pension payment dates are also postponed and shop opening hours are changed.

Changes in public transport

April brings changes felt by passengers in the Central Bohemia area within the Prague Integrated Transport (PID). From April 1, people will pay extra for short-term single tickets. Fifteen minutes ago it cost 14 kroner, now it costs 20 kroner. At the same time, the 30-minute ticket for 22 crowns is cancelled.

The aim of this change is to encourage passengers to use subscriptions. The good news for Středočechy is that since April 1, all-day tickets within the PID have become cheaper. All outer bands are 140 crowns instead of 180, Brag + bands 1-4 are now 160 crowns instead of 200, and Brag + all outer bands are 240 instead of the original 300 crowns. You can find more information about tariff changes in the Central Bohemian region here PID website.

From April 1, changes are also taking place in public transport in Pilsen and the Pilsen region. Senior citizens can travel free from the age of 65 years, thus the limit has been reduced by five years. Groups entitled to discounted fares have also expanded, with Pilsen Municipal Transport Enterprises Websites. In addition to students, it applies to war veterans or people in need of material.

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Payment of pension

Due to Easter, the three April pension payment dates change. Those who should have received it on April 6th will receive it a day earlier on April 5th. Pensions due on April 8 are being shifted two days earlier to April 6. Pension due on 10th April will not be disbursed till 11th April.

Easter opening time

A further change has been made to store opening hours in April due to the Easter holiday. Public holidays are both Friday and Monday, but only the second one is that shops over 200 square meters must be closed by law (you can find more information in this article).

Entrance Exam

In April, a combined entrance exam for secondary schools and gymnasiums is conducted. The first regular deadline for four-year courses and extension courses is April 13, the second on April 14. For six-year and eight-year high schools, the first exam is on April 17, followed by the second regular exam a day later.

Enrollment in schools

Registration for the first classes of primary schools will also take place from 1st April to 30th April. The exact date is set by the schools and their founders, for example in České Budějovice and Most, registration will take place on April 13 and 14, and in Pardubice from April 19 to 20.

Traffic restrictions

Let’s stay with the drivers for a moment. For those traveling on the D1 highway, the Roads and Highways Directorate (ŘSD) does not have good news – construction work between Vyškov and Kroměříž will start on April 1. “We will repair the main route at km 229–254, including exits 230 Vyskov-Vichot, 236 Ivanovic na Hana and 244 Morris,” it noted. RSD. Narrow lanes and detours await drivers in this section. Repairs should last until the end of July.

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On the first of April, road crews also begin preparations for the next phase of this year’s repair of Barandovské Bridge in Prague. Restrictions should be moderate, with part of the traffic lane closed until mid-May on Stragonica Street.

Season of palaces

The season of palaces also starts in April. For example, Platna in South Bohemia, Dobris Castle in Central Bohemia, Divsi Castle in Silesia or Kasberg in Sumavia open their doors to visitors.

New obligations of employers

From April 1, an amendment to the Lex Ukraine law comes into force, requiring employers to report Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ) Entry of every employee with temporary security for contract work. They are mainly refugees from Ukraine. They have this obligation even if the contract is not subject to insurance duties.

The end of winter tires

From April, most drivers are not required to have winter tires as the law requires them to be used from November 1 to March 31. Of course, it cannot be used across the board, as the use of winter tires is further conditioned by the continuous layer of snow. However, this is not the case for most drivers in the Czech Republic.

Check out the list of places to dispose of old tires:

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