One hundred and two minutes and it’s beautiful. Dram lost patience with graffiti

Two recent sprinklers on the railways, while trying not to support them with this kind of vandalism, now in the Czech Republic and the Stedoesk region, together with Prague, are on the path of oppression. In five years, they plan to spend 230 million kroner on a more effective safe train or anti-graffiti train. And if these pensions are paid.

Who wants train commuters to be afraid of what they might catch on the trains or comfortable on sprayed trains, said Petr Borek, transport councilor of the Stetosk region. I’m not going to build a two-tier City Elephant unit, which provides a better canvas for the sprayer.

Ron asked the Railways to build 68 City Elephant outdoor and another 64 fully equipped indoor ones around the capital. We have protected some units twice, thrice and even four times. Around 150 square meters of premises must be protected by Vtina. The train will be halted for a couple of days, Czech Railways Deputy Director General G Zeta said. In fact, it is only possible to secure trains in this way during the weekend, because at other times, the parked vehicle is used to handle traffic during peak traffic.

But it’s not a cheap or environmental issue. A double-decker train costs approximately 150,000 crowns. These costs include the wages of workers, the cost of the required chemicals and their subsequent environmental disposal. For one train, this is about 40 liters of special solvent and about two thousand liters of water.

In comparison, the sprinkler only takes a few minutes to work. So, you can spray the train during a turn at major stations or even when stopped at the entrance. In the last year alone, the Prague and Stedossk region spent ten million crowns on its train. For example, this is the amount to order a two-way train between Prague and Cologne or to pay for the operation of two or more motor trains, said Pavel Winter, deputy director of the Central Czech Transport Coordinator. ITSK

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The train security guard was also inspired by Germany as an excellent defense against graffiti. According to Borecki, neighbors and dogs can use a number of technical means. Even with real graffiti, the most effective is not technology, but a simple rag, sponge and cat. The first run of paint turned out to be very similar to the original paint.

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