Topolánek: Pensioners are idiots, let them be investigated. They are threatening the government

The former Prime Minister is today contesting the leadership of the Trade Union and Transport Association Petra visited the show.

Petra Řehořková, the host of her show on the website, laughed with a sentence that she did not want to sound like Jajín, but when she was a senator at the beginning of her career, she found it. Being the best in this room is not a problem.

Aside from a thirteen-year stint in politics, he’s running for chamber president having been in business his entire life. “I’m one of the founders, borrowers and risk takers of capitalism here in the nineties,” he introduced himself.

Czech industry feeds this country and we have nothing else. According to him, the idea of ​​”green transition” only refers to the controlled impoverishment of the earth in a “back to the trees” fashion.

According to him, the union is not working well and there is “little pressure” on it. “Government should tremble before the trade union,” he summed up his view.

He understands the “strange animals” politicians call themselves and knows how to handle them. He’s said to be blunt with them now as a private person, and with the power of Czech industry behind him, he’s ready to add more.

“You won’t find many people who want to do this for free as a full-time job, and that’s why I’m the only one, so the best,” he assessed his chances.

Kids, you will have no pension

Then he analyzed his political and personal life, “I always called my representatives and shouted at them for half an hour” (for example, he founded ÚSTR as Prime Minister), or: “I am four children in two teams, I consider it a hockey player.” My sixteen-year-old son Nicholas finished this balance sheet with the feeling that he knows and sees more of the war than ninety percent of the people in this country. Rightly so.”

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He concluded his career review: “It’s been three and a half years since I officially retired, and I’m going to take that pension, why don’t I take it.”

Today there is a lot of talk about pensions, the former president of ODS clearly states: “Thirty-three years from November, people still do not understand that they have not saved for any pension,” he said.

According to Tobolanek, the current discussions about the retirement age and the assessment formula are only to ensure that there will be any pension in the future. We already had to take 21 billion from last year’s budget.

“I think it would be fair for someone to say to today’s thirty-somethings: come on, kids, you’re not going to have any pensions, maybe a state-guaranteed living wage.” So this generation is really lost.

“Today’s pensioners protest a lot, but that doesn’t affect them,” the former prime minister began. When asked why, the presenter blurted out: “Because they’re stupid.” According to Tobolanek, this generation is adept at a collective mental examination because they do not understand what they have “saved” in their thirties. As an absolute minimum, this is not enough by itself.

“Those people don’t want to understand. They have a feeling that the government is here to take care of everything, print money and give them money, and Covid has reinforced that, and they’re shaking their heads.

However, according to the former prime minister, the inflationary crisis has shown that the invisible hand of the market is at work whether people like it or not, and there is no turning back today.

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“Further printing of money will mean further devaluation, and we will pay seventy billion, then a hundred, then a hundred and fifty in interest, and we will have no money for pensions, then no money even for health care, and finally nothing,” concluded the explanation of the leader of the two right-wing governments.

If you conduct a family like this, the executor will come there in a short time. “They need to be blunt, because it’s easy for them to intimidate the government and pretend nothing happened,” he advises today’s politicians.

The European model of the welfare state rushed here “after the fall of my government” has its limits, and people will now realize them. Topolánek fears that they will blame the current political representation, although this is indeed incompetent, according to the former prime minister. But the alternatives are even worse.

“I should have been tougher. I will rule for a short time, but the people deserve the truth,” he said, reflecting on his political career. He quoted mental health manuals that said people reject the truth at first, but then get used to it.

Some may have to work two jobs

According to Tobolanek, this winter you’ll see people being modest about how they save on gas. He and his wife, Lucia, reportedly took it as a way to get around the house in sweaters, but they saved 45 percent of their energy.

“People travel, when they go to Denmark or Scandinavia, it’s 17 degrees in the hotel, so I don’t see why they want it to be 25 at home,” he said, shaking his head.

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According to him, people should finally understand that now it is “through thick and thin”, the richest country is getting poorer and if we don’t do anything about it, it will continue to get poorer. “That’s the truth that politicians have to tell people every day, that’s their job.”

So he himself added: “You must arrange. Some people need to have two jobs, and young people need to understand that a home office won’t save them, and they can’t take a year off in their thirties because of physical ailments.”

In the latter part of the interview, he reflected on how smart and creative the Checkers were, but now “we’re dealing with saving the planet and dealing with stupidity”.

According to him, the last thirty-three years have been the best thirty years in the history of this country for thousands of years. Let’s appreciate it and try to maintain it,” he bid farewell to the audience.

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