Relatives of the capital urge not to send disabled people far from Prague

According to the petition, the previous regime’s ruthless practice of sending disabled Prague citizens out of the city continues. Prague now has about a thousand beds, which means 75% are outside its borders. Some houses are 140 kilometers away.

The city administration came to share the experiences of such separation and travel with the close customers of such houses. “As long as services outside of Prague are primarily funded, nothing will change in principle,” said Jan Palecek, whose son suffers from autism and an intellectual disability.

Sabatova: It’s a convention

Even former ombudsman Anna Sabatova does not understand why Prague is sending money to Krasna Lipa instead of building capacities in its region. “By building a pavilion in Krasna Lipa, we are forcing Prague residents to leave the capital,” Sabatova said. According to him, the current ombudsman, Stanislav Kocek, may begin handling the situation in the metropolis due to the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

According to Deputy Mayor Alexandra Udenija (ODS), the construction of a new ten-bed pavilion in Krasna Lipa was facilitated by a 50 million grant from the state’s recovery program. “We really need those beds, and before we build them in Prague, hundreds of patients will die on the streets,” said Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda (ODS) in support of the investment.

Some beds and money

According to representative Kamila Madijkova (Praha Sebo), the situation in Prague is precisely the reason for the overhang in companies outside of Prague. “People go there voluntarily when they have no other choice,” Matzkova pointed out.

According to Patrick Nacher (ANO), the state continues to fund Prague services. While Prague provides 12% of what is needed, it receives only 8% of the allocated budget, which determines the so-called reference figure. Udženija has already written to Social Affairs Minister Marian Jureček (KDU-ČSL) and the Union of Regions about increasing this number, but received only a specific response.

The increase is to be discussed again according to the decision of the delegates, who mainly recommended the creation of a social network in the city and the purchase of suitable Prague buildings.

According to Uženija, the city receives about 2 billion kroner annually from the state for social services, but spends 4.6 billion kroner, and the situation will not be sustainable in 2026.

“Las Vegas” in the heart of Prague. We went with the camera in May that was rebuilt


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