How much will it cost you? Companies are hiding how expensive the new duty will be

It is not true that the forced flight to Brussels could be prepared for the people in one afternoon in the old manner. The abbot came, and with him came the firstborn, the firstborn, and other people. The same is true of the mandatory ESG financial reporting agenda. We currently have dozens of employees dedicated to this and preparing this agenda, Jaroslav Heren said at a recent conference of the Metrostav board of directors.

This does not mean that these people will devote themselves to ESG issues at the largest domestic construction companies. As a full-time employee, those people have a good report at Metrosta. He involved several employees in this operation at a different rate, Radim Mana added in the company speech, and in addition, said that Metrostav should hire an external consultant.

And Metrostav is no exception. Fifteen ecologists and other experts are dedicated to the issue, for example Lettide Praha has an organized unit for environment, sustainability and ESG. If only wage costs and taxes are taken into account, if these people live on the average domestic salary, reporting ESG output costs about ten million kroner per year. Even in the summer agenda, not one is left out, but many forms are poured into cells, and, I hire externs to fly.

And this applies to other companies as well. A recent report on the company’s relationship to life and the social environment was published, for example, by the operator of the Albert grocery store. In 61 pages, you can talk about how the company reduces the amount of unsold and wasted food, is classic and subject to top management, or increases stress among employees. This is consistently confirmed by the satisfaction survey conducted for Albert by Perceptix.

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The report was created from the beginning of the year, we got the data, so we are talking about work for eight or nine months, said Barbora Vanko, the company’s consultant for PR and sustainability. The company sent four to five people the number of ties needed for ESG’s internal needs. But this poet will probably grow up. The company currently displays 45 indicators according to specific rules. However, in the future, based on the European directive, this indicator should increase approximately three times.

Report from experts

Once, it was not even a company that reported on a kl. The project includes data analysis, in which we find out which of the approximately 1,000 data requirements the client lacks and how the missing data will be generated in the future, said Ondaj Rybka, non-financial reporting specialist at PwC Czech. Republic.

Then, it selects an area that represents risks or problems for improvement, follows a specific goal, and then a process in the organization, through which these goals can be achieved. Finally, the data on the selected indicators is collected and the report itself compiled, Rybka said, adding that such a process typically takes six months for companies involved in ESG reporting. Then reduce it to half an hour. The variety of the process is then comprehensible response and price. Here, PwC sent a figure for small companies and a million units for large companies.

An important aspect of reporting is that companies can support their marketing slogans about sustainability or greenness. Zdenk Kov said that these changes will be about general claims such as green, bird-friendly, biodegradable or carbon-neutral, which should always be supported by reliable data and better results in the area of ​​impact on the environment. Plzeškho Prazdroj, reported in this way for 17 years.

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Mandatory for large companies

Meanwhile, similar reports are voluntary and can be accessed by any company or organization, for example, now looking at this indicator to get better financing from banks.

Jana Frankow of the Veritas Bureau said reporting will be mandatory in five years for large companies with more than 500 employees and public welfare organizations. After a year, companies with more than 250 employees must join, and small and medium-sized companies will gradually join.

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