Czech collected almost 133 million | iRADIO

In two months, nearly 133 million crowns were collected in the Drona Nemesis collection. The original goal was to buy tens of thousands of so-called FPV drones for a hundred million. The collection is organized by Association Group D, sponsored by Karel Řehka, head of the Czech Army. The successful collection will continue: “I have set another goal for myself, twenty thousand FPV drones, which means 200 million crowns,” Jan Veverka, one of the founders of the collection, told and the Radiožurnál website.


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Co-founder of Group D, actor Ondřej Vetchý and patron of the association Karel Řehka | Source: Archives of Group D

“The collection has been successful beyond our expectations. The support we receive every day, not only financially, is breathtaking,” commented John Veverka, one of its founders, investor and member of active reserves, about the success of the collection for Radiožurnál and

In total, it currently has a collection of nearly 133 million. It was launched last December by Society D, which is made up of veterans and people from the non-profit sector. Within two months, they managed to collect almost 33 million more than the original target.

Investor John Burda from Bale Fire Capital also contributed fifty million in recent days. TV Nova reported it on Sunday.

“In honor of Republican reluctance and Navalny, I'm giving one hundred dollars for each reallocation of FPV drones to Ukraine.” Wrote Barda two weeks ago on X Network.

Successful collection continues. “We have a collection permit for an unlimited period. Of course we decided to continue. I set another goal for myself, which is twenty thousand FPV drones, which means 200 million crowns,” says Veverka.

Organizers are also targeting an international audience. A promotional video featuring actor Ondage Vetchi for the collection was premiered at the US Congress last week.

Vetchy has also been the target of threats because of his support for Ukraine – to the extent that the police have dealt with them.

Part is already in Ukraine

Group D is raising money for so-called FPV drones for the Ukrainian military. These are drones that, thanks to a camera, transmit everything they “see” to their operator in real time.

With both sides consuming large sums of money on the Ukrainian battlefield every day, Team D did not wait to reach the target amount and continued to send drones into Ukraine.

“We take them gradually. In addition, their production changes every fortnight, we meet the needs of the Ukrainian partners,” Veverka told Radiožurnál and the website earlier, adding that it is better than sending ten thousand similar drones to replace the drones that the Ukrainians need.

Katerina Grundova

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