Zelensky thanked the US for the new aid

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his gratitude to the United States for the new military aid package announced on July 3.

He posted the statement on his X (Twitter), as he writes “European Truth”.

Zelensky thanked President Joe Biden, both parties of Congress, and the entire American people.

“Air defense, artillery, anti-tank weapons and other critical items, as well as funds for the purchase of missiles for the Patriot and NASA will strengthen our soldiers and increase our capabilities on the battlefield,” he noted, Ukraine. It expects more help from the US to counter Russian aggression.

Zelensky wants Trump to show his plan to “quickly end the war.”

It is worth recalling that on Wednesday the White House announced a new military aid package for Ukraine 150 million dollarsThese include, among others, artillery ammunition, interceptor missiles for Hawk systems, and ammunition for HIMARS.

In addition, the US Department of Defense announced the purchase Interceptors for Patriot and NASAMS air defense systems 2.2 billion dollars for Ukraine.

Read more, What are the downsides of the defense deal with the US and will it last under Trump?

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