Former fighter Kragan commented on the incident for the first time – Ukraine

According to Dmytro Pavlov, Tishchenko was “an officer obsessed with impunity, whose pride was touched by the Ukrainian’s simple question.”

Dmytro Pavlov, a former fighter of the Kragan faction, who was attacked in Dnipro by the bodyguards of People’s Deputy Mykola Tishchenko, commented on the incident for the first time.

He has written about this Facebook.

“Guys did not comment in any way before that, there is not much time, there is no point in describing the essence of the event, you all have seen this video, I think the comments are pointless. It happened to me and my child, indeed to all of us, to every Ukrainian, including me,” writes Pavlov.

Former soldier Tyshchenko was “an officer driven mad by impunity, whose pride was affected by a simple and natural question of a Ukrainian and decided to show his power.”

“He decided to show that one of his wishes was enough, and his modest policemen and bodyguards would beat, humiliate, deprive of freedom and punish any Ukrainian who dared to speak against him. He not only hoped to escape his punishment, he encouraged him. Own that they can do anything ” Six”, law and moral standards do not apply to them,” Dnipro own notes.

Thanking everyone for their support and publicity, he expressed hope that the culprits would be punished.

Scandal with Tsengo in Dnipro

Let us recall that on June 20, a fight broke out in Dnipro during the “Roundup on Boat Farms” organized by People’s Deputy Tsenko. Tishchenko’s bodyguards beat and handcuffed Dmytro Pavlov, a former Kraken military unit, who was walking with a newborn baby.

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A police officer from Kyiv helped secure Tishchenko.

Already on June 25, the people’s representative was informed that there was suspicion due to the events in Dnipro. Investigation revealed that this was done according to a conspiracy before a group of people and using physical force and special means. He was placed under 24-hour house arrest for 60 days with an electronic bracelet. Social networks noticed that Tishchenko went to an elite restaurant to celebrate after the trial.

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Tishkeng’s Big Scandals: Details of Loud Scandals in which Kolya “Kotleta” was involved

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