Blinken defends Biden: He restored the world’s faith in American leadership

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken responded to criticism of US President Joe Biden’s speech at the debate, saying his policies over the past 3.5 years have increased confidence in US leadership in the world.

As the “European truth” writes, it is reported Reuters.

The top US diplomat and longtime Biden aide was asked for the first time about the debate between the US president and Trump. In response, he emphasized the effectiveness of the White House leader in his position.

“If you look at polls around the world, for whatever they’re worth, you’ll see that confidence in American leadership has grown dramatically over the last 3.5 years,” Blinken firmly believes.


According to him, this does not happen for nothing, because it is the result of the policy pursued by the White House.

Biden appealed to his campaign donors after the failed debate

“And they see that President Biden is a leader in these different fields, and he’s bringing people together and focusing their attention on the challenges that we face and that are shared by many countries,” Blinken noted.

The secretary of state said people around the world “see what Biden has done” since taking office, not overnight, and “they appreciate his policies.”

“They saw a president who reinvested in America, reinvested America in the world, and reinvested in alliances and partnerships the way they wanted,” Blinken said.

Before The media reportedJoe Biden’s family urged him to run for president.

We will remind, many European politicians were attracted and Bewildered by the failed performance Joe Biden during Thursday’s presidential debate.

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And Biden himself Admits his poor performance in debate with Trump, but doesn’t plan to drop out of the race.

read more: Disaster Live: How Biden Lost the US Presidential Debate and What’s Next.

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