The case of former Supreme Court President Knyazev

The bribe-taking middleman has been friendly with the judge since childhood.

Notary Kyrylo Horburov was involved in a corruption scheme organized by former head of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Knyazev and lawyer Oleg Goretsky. He has been friends with Judge Gnaze since childhood and is the godfather of his family. It is Gorburov who owes the investigation to the recording of the conversation, a transcript of which was read at the meeting on choosing a preventive measure for the Gnashe.

about this informs A “Court Reporter” issue from the courtroom.

Horetsky’s lawyer was approached by representatives of businessman Kostyantin Zhevako, who appealed to the Supreme Court against the decision of the Court of Appeal invalidating the contract for the purchase of shares of the Poltava mining company, during the conversation attended by Horburov. Knyazev was closely associated with the concentration plant – by offering bribes 20 years ago.

From the records of the conversation, it is known that Jevako initially offered 1 million dollars, but he was forced to increase the amount to 2.7 million dollars. Of this, $1.8 million should go to Gnachev and other judges. Another 900,000 was the reward of Goretzky and Harburov, who had to decide their share independently.

On May 1, Knyazev sent an SMS to Harborough, in which he ordered to bring part of the bribe, dividing it into parts: “Hello, 10 for 100 and two for 150 and one for 50.”

On May 2, Goretzky and Harborough took money from the bank branch and bagged it at the prosecutor’s office.

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On May 3, Gorburov, on a special mission, arrived at Gnachev’s house in the evening and handed over packages containing 1 million 348 thousand US dollars.

NABU detectives monitored the movement of money. In particular, they recorded that on May 4, Gnachev transferred money to his Mercedes car and drove to the Supreme Court.

On May 8, Knyazev told Harborough to bring the remaining $450,000. Here’s how they discussed it:

  • Prince: Did you and Oleg get together at Zevako? Is everything ok, normal?
  • Gorburov: 1350 there.
  • Prince: So.
  • Gorburov: 450 left?
  • Prince: So.
  • Gorburov: When to bring?
  • Prince: Well, you got it, didn’t you?
  • Gorburov: Oleg deals with this problem. when
  • Prince: Come on, not now, let’s close a little more… I think it’s Friday.

Finally, receiving the second part of the bribe was postponed to Monday. On the evening of May 15, Harburov arrived in Gnashe with a bag containing 450,000 dollars.

Immediately after the money exchange, Gnachev’s apartment and his judge’s office were raided. $548,000 in marked bills were removed from a safe in the Chief Justice’s office – a portion of the money was transferred on May 1.

That same evening, NABU detectives arrived at the home of lawyer Goretsky. Hearing a knock on the door, he ran across the terrace but hid in a closet in the hotel room.

The notary changed the partner’s status to “agent” in the Gorburov case. In documents related to curbing bribery, he was named under the surname Kravchenko.

It is recalled that NABU previously confirmed that Kostyantyn Zhevago is a co-owner of the financial and industrial group “Finance and Credit” in the case of bribery of Supreme Court President Vsevolod Knyazev and other judges.

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