Peter Powell took the official portrait. Arrest him within a month

A presidential photo shoot was held at Prague Castle on Friday. Mr. The president and first lady took pictures, Markta Ehkov told CNN Prima NEWS during Pavlo’s speech. These photographers also contributed to the presidential campaign.

In the past, photographs were taken by D.K. The presidential team decided to hire Jana Zavrkova and Jiho Turk, photographers involved in the presidential election campaign.

Let’s hope it looks decent and beautiful. It will hang in the classroom where the teacher sits, with a dignified portrait of the president behind him, said Miroslav Skellen, a former ethics teacher at the President’s Office. The public should know the format of the official photo by early April.

According to the president’s office, Pavlo’s portrait should be dignified and different from the official photo of his predecessor, Milo Zeman, which shows him with his arms folded under his head.

The portrait of President Zeman in 2013 was not made by TK’s official photographer, but by a more experienced professional photographer who brought his own perspective there, Sklen noted.

At the opening ceremony of the Steck region, Pavel said that he did not consider it necessary to place his portrait in the neighborhood. He said that he was not initially interested in the portraits in these or the stamps bearing his portrait. However, when he saw the anger this caused among the citizens, he decided to let it go. Travel stamps bearing the head of state’s portrait are a tradition, not an obligation.

Councils, city councils and even general assemblies can decide for themselves whether to hang a portrait of the president on their wall. However, it is mandatory to hang the national emblem in the advertisement and it should not be removed during the day.

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