What temperatures can you expect in Příbram over the long weekend?

We have to wait for warmer weather. The latest forecasts confirm temperatures around 20 degrees on Friday and Sunday. The exception is Saturday, which will bring temperatures up to 30 degrees. However, storms can be expected by Saturday evening, which will bring down the high temperatures. Sunday is expected to be cloudy with evening thunderstorms.

On Friday, it will be cloudy with partly cloudy to almost clear at some places in the morning and evening. Chance of rain at times. The temperature reaches 16 degrees in the morning and rises to 22 degrees in the afternoon. By 17:00 the sun will disappear behind the clouds and the temperature will start to drop. Expect moderate west to southwest winds at 3 to 7 m/s and weakening in the evening.

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Saturday will see partly cloudy to mostly clear skies. 16 degrees will be cloudy in the morning, but sunny around 09:00 and temperatures will quickly rise to 30 degrees, where they will remain until 14:00. Around 15:00 the sun will go behind the clouds, but the temperatures will be high and they will only drop with the arrival of thunderstorms at 18:00. Expect moderate southeasterly winds at 2 to 6 m/s, then becoming westerly winds, temporarily intensifying into thunderstorms.

On Sunday, it should be partly cloudy with partly sunny spells in the east. Rainfall will start gradually over most of the areas, heavy rain will occur at some places and storm will be strong. The temperature in the Příbram region is around 20 degrees, and the rain doesn’t start until around 8:00.

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According to current forecasts, sunny days will return after Sunday and temperatures of 28 degrees can be expected from Tuesday. Unfortunately, the warmer days will leave us on Friday, with thunderstorms and temperatures around 21 degrees next week.

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