Sagittarius is the result of addition, Gobsa declared. Insult, replied the Austrian

“According to the media, a successful graduate of FF UK, which is the basis of the elite of progressivism and is known for jumping on any frenzy from the EU (in this regard, the protests of philosophers against the climate cycles of the planet were especially sad), takes weapons at home and goes to shoot his school, friends and classmates. So “He is not a conservative scoundrel, an agent of Putin or a supporter of the SPD, but a great product of inclusive progressive education,” Kobsa wrote in a post on Facebook that has since been deleted. The server drew attention to the post.

Kobsa continued to connect with grieving students and arts faculty affected by last week's tragedy. He described teachers as a “strange company” and now, for him, questions “what is actually being taught at FF UK”. Kobsa talks about a “hateful teaching program” and says there's “another shooter” on the faculty.

Kobsa drew criticism from politicians and the public for his offensive remarks against the arts faculty, which is still recovering from the tragedies in which 14 people died. Interior Minister Vid Ragusan called Copes' words outrageous.

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“As a result of last week's attack, the debate about what needs to change in the way our society works and how to reduce the probability of such tragedies is natural, fair and necessary. And it will no doubt continue in the coming weeks. But I ask everyone not to abuse this tragedy. Attacking a group of people. I think what Mr. Kobsa wrote is outrageous,” the Austrian said on the X social network.

Education Minister Mikuláš Bek also responded to Kobča's offensive comments about the institution of the oldest Czech university. “I'm reluctant to think of people as 'products' for anything, including education, and the same applies to Vice Cobbs. However, I feel it's necessary to stand up for Charles University's faculty of the arts. It's a diverse institution worthy of respect and deserving of quiet empathy at this point,” Beck wrote.

“Fellow Cobbs had to live more than was fit for the Christmas holidays,” replied former Education Minister Peter Caustic MP.

The tragedy at Prague Cathedral on Thursday, December 21, left 14 people dead and dozens injured by a gunman. He himself died. According to police findings and an affidavit in a farewell letter, the shooter killed a man and an infant in Klanowicke Les. Czechs contributed to the collection to help victims of the Klanovice and faculty massacres.

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