Zelensky’s speech on May 22 – what the president said

Today, General Sirsky reported on the situation at the front, in the directions of the main battles.

On May 22, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Ukrainians. He spoke about the current situation of the protest field.

This was said by the Head of State wrote On his page in the social network.

According to him, today General Sirsky reported on the situation at the front, in the directions of the main battles. First of all, these are Pokrovsky and other Donetsk regions. And Kubyansky direction in the Kharkiv region.

“Maximum attention is now on the entire border area, not only in the Kharkiv region, but also in the Sumy region. The task for our units, and the task for the defense forces in general, is to inflict as many losses as possible on the aggressor. I thank every warrior, every soldier, commander, they are really precise, really They give us all – our whole state – the results we need. These days I would like to mention the 57th Separate Motorized Infantry Regiment: it defends the Vovsansk district, firmly holds its positions and destroys the aggressor. Thank you , fighters. And the 82nd separate assault brigade. And the 47th separate mechanized brigade,” emphasized Volodymyr Zelensky.

We will remind you that Zelensky spoke harshly about the negotiations with Russia and the inaction of the West.

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