Entry campaign in Ukraine 2024 – rules and requirements, how to enter the budget


Terms of the introductory campaign

Candidates will submit the documents for admission to higher education institutions through Applicant’s Electronic Office. Office registration begins July 1, 2024 On that day site of Unified State Database for Education (YEDEBO).

The electronic office of the entrant in remote mode will allow entry of data required for submission of applications for participation in entrance examinations and competitive examinations in the educational institution.

Registration of applications for participation in entrance tests (interviews, creative competitions) will begin on July 3, and applications will be accepted directly at the university. From 19th to 31st July.

It is important that the applicant can submit Not more than 5 applications per budget and up to 10 applications per contract. While submitting the application for education budget form, it is necessary to indicate the priority of the educational institution.

After August 5, lists of nominees for registration in the budget will be published, and before August 9 – for the contract.

A higher education institution for admission in the budget can be confirmed until 18:00 on August 9.

Admission will be held for budget seats Not later than August 10thFor contract training – till 30th August.

The transfer of contractually registered persons to vacant budget positions will be held until August 17, 2024.

Note that the table given applies to applicants entering higher education institutions on the basis of complete general secondary education (11 grades) and a professional junior bachelor, junior specialist, junior bachelor diploma.

What documents should be prepared?

An application for admission to a higher education institution is submitted online by filling an electronic form that appears on the EDEBO website on July 1.

Entrant must provide the following information:

How many points are required for admission?

Participants in NMT of 2024 just need to type 15% correct answers in each subject, to secure minimum marks for admission to higher educational institutions on a competitive basis. Last year, 10% was required.

To get the required number of points for each course block, you must obtain:

If the marks in at least one subject are below the minimum threshold, the candidate will not be eligible to participate in the 2024 admission campaign.

Minimum required and competitive points. Budget and conditions of registration in the contract

The competitive score will be determined by each educational institution as per its own admission rules.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education established the criteria, according to which, in order to enter the budget education format in 2024, an applicant must be recruited. Minimum 130 points. It is worth noting that this requirement does not apply to children of fallen defenders of Ukraine.

The minimum score for entering the contract of higher educational institutions is set independently.

A minimum score for some specialties is important for both budgeting and contract education Should not be less than 150:

  • “right”
  • “General Management and Administration”
  • “Global Connections”
  • “Health Care” (Specialty “Dentistry”, “Medicine”, “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, “Pediatrics”).

Based on the results of NMT, the competitor score can be independently calculated using a special test. Calculator, but for this it will also be necessary to know the weighting factors for each subject. For each specialty they are already established by the Ministry of Education and Science.

These coefficients will be very important for the 4th course of NMT, because the results of individual test subjects will have more weight when entering a specialty related to the subject.

For example, when entering a law field, the result of a foreign language carries the greatest weight, when entering IT specialties – physics, and when entering medical specialties – biology results, etc.

In addition, this year the Ministry of Education and Culture introduces Regional coefficients For universities located in leading cities.

If the candidate opts for an institution located in a particular region, the competitive score will not be multiplied by this coefficient:

Who should create a creative competition

For admission to most majors, the NMT result is sufficient, but prospective Junior Bachelors and Bachelors of Arts and Sports majors must also pass the Creative Competition. Including “Physical Culture and Sports”, “Performance”, “Dance”, “Acoustics”, “Fine Arts”, “Design”, Architecture and Urban Planning etc

Creative competition includes demonstrating physical skills (for example, running a certain distance, jumping), reading poetic works, checking voice data, dancing, drawing.

MES emphasizes that creative competition is a key criterion for admission to arts and sports majors.

He will have Greatest influence on applicant’s competitive score – 60%. Conversely, the results of the NMT will play a smaller role in forming the entry mark than the creative competition – 10% of the competition mark for each subject.

What are the specialties with state support?

Ukrainian universities have specialties with special support from the state. These are 64 specialties in the fields of Education, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Natural Sciences, Electronics and Automation, Architecture, Agriculture, Military Science, Transport, Civil Defense, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Mathematics. See the full list By connection.

Last year, admission to such specialties did not require completion of NMT but only an interview or letter of motivation. In 2024, multiple subject selection will be taken into account, but to make admission “easy”, they will use it. Branch coefficient for competitive score – 1.02 For applications submitted with priority 1 and 2.

Also, for a special admission with state support, one point for successful completion in the year of admission may be added to the competitive score. Preparatory courses Institute of Higher Education.

In the preparation, the following data were used: data of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the website of EDEBO, publications of the profile portal Osvita.ua, the Ministry of Education and Culture of March 6, 2024 No. 266 of the order.

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