Loud statement of presidential candidates that shook the world – Ukraine – tsn.ua

Trump was declared the winner of the debate by 67% of viewers and Biden – by 33%.

There was a debate in America Major contenders for the presidency. “You’re a loser and a loser,” Biden told Trump during the debate. At the same time, Trump also called Biden the worst president in American history. But the politicians did not stop there. Trump again vowed to end the war in Ukraine, and Biden called Putin a war criminal.

About Biden and Trump’s loud statements that have already rocked the whole world – Let’s talk more.

TV fight between Biden and Trump

US President Joe Biden and ex President Donald Trump The current president met in the first debate of the campaign. The politicians spoke at the CNN studio in Atlanta (Georgia) on June 27. The first televised battle between Biden and Trump before the presidential election in November lasted 90 minutes. Joe Biden and Donald Trump last debated during the October 2020 presidential campaign. The televised fight began with a discussion about the state of the US economy.

Watch on the TSN YouTube channel: “You’re a loser and a failure!” Debate between Biden and Trump: The loudest statements! What did they say about war?!

Trump and Biden exchanged views on inflation, jobs and tax policy. The White House leader began listing what he considers the economic successes of his presidency, while saying “there’s still a lot to do.” Trump countered that inflation is “killing” America.

Not without a fight

But then the really interesting thing started. Politicians turned to foreign policy. The main issue is the war in Ukraine. Here Biden and Trump were taken. Not without a fight. Let’s start with Trump. The obnoxious politician and businessman blamed Biden for the war in Ukraine, assured him that resources had been exhausted and reiterated that only he could stop the war.

“Putin’s conditions on Ukraine are unacceptable. If the US “had a leader” the war would not have started and the US would not have won the Ukraine war with Russia if it was led by someone Putin respected. It’s resources and it’s sad, I want to say they’ve lost a lot of people, the Russian Federation has taken a lot of land under me. – No, the war in Ukraine would not have started if I were the president.– Key theses voiced by Trump.

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Biden is not far behind. The current president of the United States called Trump’s comments about Russia’s war against Ukraine “nonsense” and called Putin a war criminal.

“Putin is a war criminal who has killed thousands and thousands of people. Putin wants to restore what was once part of the Soviet empire; if you want the Third World, elect Trump.“, – said Biden.

Sharp statements from Biden and Trump

Donald Trump also asserted that Europe spends far less on supporting Ukraine than the United States, and criticized Biden for supporting Ukraine financially. He said such costs were “unnecessary”, calling Volodymyr Zelenskyi a “best seller”.

“Every time Zelensky comes to America, he takes $60 billion in his pocket.” – Trump reminded.

Trump, however, called Putin’s terms to end the war “unacceptable” and reiterated that he would “resolve the conflict” between Russia and Ukraine before taking office.

We will remind you that the Kremlin leader called his conditions “peace”. They include Kiev’s rejection of plans to join NATO, nuclear-free status and the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from areas Russia has included in its constitution.

We are talking about Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions. Well, Crimea too. At the same time, Biden said that if Russia wins in Ukraine, it will threaten other European countries.

“What will happen to Poland? What will happen to NATO countries: in the future, not only Ukraine, but also the countries of Europe may be attacked by Russia”– Threatened Biden.

They insulted and mocked

Also, the candidates insulted and jeered at each other throughout the debate. Biden called Trump “who had sex with a porn star,” as well as “a convicted felon,” “a whiner,” “the worst president in American history,” “disgusting” and a “failure.” “For using the same words as Americans who died in war.

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Trump has denied it. In turn, he called Biden’s actions “absolutely criminal” and said Biden was “getting money from China” and a “Manchurian candidate” without providing any evidence.

About Israel

The topic of Israel was also overlooked. Biden said all members of the Group of Seven supported his plan for war: hostage release, ceasefire:

“The only thing I don’t support about Israel is the bombs they use in densely populated areas.” The politician insisted.

Trump responded that Biden had “become a Palestinian” and that “Hamas only wants to keep fighting” and Israel should be allowed to “finish the job.”

Earlier, Biden said he supports the idea of ​​coexistence between Israel and Palestine, but that Hamas does not represent the interests of the Palestinians. Trump expressed doubt that the two countries could live in peace.

Who won the debate?

It is noteworthy that Trump won the debate with 67% of viewers and Biden with 33%. These are the results of a CNN poll conducted by the media after a televised spat between American politicians. Also, 81% of Americans say the debate did not help elect the president. Another 14% said it made them reconsider the candidates but didn’t change their choice, while 5% of voters said the debate had a big impact on their choice of president. At the same time, before the debate, 55% of voters expected Trump to do better than his opponent, compared to 45% who expected Biden.

The New York Times writes that after the debate, the Democrats in the United States talked about replacing Joe Biden with another candidate in the election. Analysts say his voice was hoarse, causing him to stumble several times and at times slurring his responses.

His team interpreted it as a cold. At the same time, The Washington Post and Reuters wrote that Trump’s speech was full of his usual exaggerations and “lies.”

Experts in debate

According to international affairs expert Oleksandr Krayev, Trump was more energetic, younger and in some ways even stronger during his speech at the debate.

“However, he lied, manipulated and failed to please independents. Biden failed to fulfill his basic mission of not looking that old, so everything else for him will be drowned out in this story.”

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A spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Congress of America said the audience could not get clear explanations of the two candidates’ positions on Ukraine. Andriy Dobriansky. In a comment to the Ukrainian service of the Voice of America, Dobriansky noted, “The question of Ukraine is sometimes confused with Israel – not by the moderators, but during the answers – so we do not really get a clear explanation of the future policy of the two presidential administrations regarding Ukraine.”

Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, a professor of Middle East political studies, said Trump’s comments on Ukraine were “absurd” and would cause concern among US allies. His comments have been cited by Princeton University

“Trump’s ludicrous comments about Ukraine — that he would end the war before he takes office — could raise concerns among our allies, recalling Trump’s intention to withdraw from NATO, as well as the Paris climate accords and nuclear deal. Over Iran“, the message says.

During the debate, Trump confirmed his suspicions about Zelenskyi, but did not send signals that the former US president might refuse to support Ukraine, according to Michael Kimmage, dean of the Catholic University of America in Washington. But Biden, the analyst, has not backed down from his policy and insists that he has “clearly declared his commitment to Ukraine’s security, European security, the fight against Russian aggression and tyranny.” Kimmage, however, points out that Biden has been unable to articulate his views effectively.

Election in America

It is worth recalling that the US presidential election will be held on November 5 this year. Note that, despite the debates, neither Biden nor Trump are officially their parties’ nominees. Therefore, Republicans must endorse their nominee in July and Democrats in August.

Let’s add The debate lasted for 90 minutes. There is no live audience in the studio.

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