Pavel is in Dnipro. He was the first foreign president to visit eastern Ukraine

(From our special correspondent)

“It is a pleasure to be in Dnipro. The Czech Republic has accepted the support of the reconstruction of the Dnepropetrovsk region,” said President Peter Pavel after a meeting with the regional governor. The topic of the meeting was Czech support for the area directly adjacent to the areas where daily heavy fighting takes place.

Already on Friday, Pavel said that the Czech Republic has five major reconstruction projects ready for the local region in areas such as health, energy, housing and water management. According to the President, they may start very soon.

“Today I went further east to show that the Czech Republic is serious about its support for the Dnepropetrovsk region. I assured Governor Serhij Lysák that they are not alone in reconstruction,” Pavel wrote on Twitter. According to him, the main goal now is to move from assistance to cooperation.

Photo: Jen Menschick, Nowinki

Czech President Peter Pavel speaks in Ukrainian Dnipro

Governor Serhij Lysák thanked Pavlo for the support of the Czech Republic and praised the humanitarian support in the area.

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He had to take refuge in Kiev

The politicians arrived in Ukraine on the day the Russians launched a new wave of missile attacks on several Ukrainian cities. A dozen rockets were aimed at Kiev, but air defenses shot them all down and the metropolis suffered no major damage. However, in the evening, Pavel and Kaputova had to go to the bomb shelter because of the air raid warning.

Conversely, in the eastern Ukrainian Dnipro, where Pavel is now, Russians attacked and killed a young woman and a three-year-old child on Friday. At the start of the joint meeting on Saturday, the Governor of Pavla region assured that the security situation here is now under control and safe.

Dnipro is several tens of kilometers from the front line. The Dnipropetrovsk region is close to areas where Ukrainian defenders are fighting the Russian invasion army.

After the meeting, Pavel and Lyzak together laid flowers at the memorials of the fallen heroes.

The president’s event, like Friday’s, is classified for security reasons, and the existing media can only report on it late.

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