He returned to Switzerland fighting on the side of the armed forces and voluntarily surrendered to the police.

Zürich resident Jonah Neidhardt, who spent two years fighting with the International Legion in Ukraine against Russian troops, returned home and voluntarily surrendered to police on June 14 for violating martial law.

The publication “European Truth” writes about this Bligh.

Neidhart has been fighting as a machine gunner in the International Legion in Ukraine since March 2022, a violation of Swiss military law.

Military service for the benefit of a foreign government is a criminal offence. Section 94 of the Swiss Military Criminal Code provides for a fine or up to three years in prison.


The man, who recently returned home, voluntarily surrendered to Bern police on Friday. “I stand by my decision to fight for Ukraine and for democracy,” he explained to the Bligh journalist.

Filmography: Bligh

According to Neidhardt, he is not afraid of going to prison and does not rule out that he will return to Ukraine after a possible prison sentence.

A police volunteer surrendered ahead of the Global Peace Summit in Bürgenstock, Switzerland.

“This conference is a joke. If you really want to help Ukraine, you have to give the Russians a chance to defeat them militarily. You have to break them first before you negotiate with them, there is no other way,” Neidhardt believes.

Last year, the Paris prosecutor’s office announced the arrest of two far-right activists who were detained at a bus station in the French capital. Military equipment from Ukraine.

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